This is Britain, by M. Šašek

$480 $628


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*庫存為2016最新刷 (書末有列表繪本中與現況不同之處) 

This is系列繪本出自捷克作家Miroslav Šašek。Miroslav Šašek當年寫作時也和Madeline的作者Ludwig Bemelmans 一樣都是經由旅行中城市漫遊,以繪畫記錄下來他所觀察到的一切人、事、物。

來自東歐的Miroslav Šašek插畫融合該城市特有的顏色,畫中的光線拿捏讓人驚嘆。以獨特視角與觀察詮釋該地迷人之處。還沒有去旅行,彷彿置身其境。This Is系列繪本中的紐約還曾創下一天銷售600本的紀錄。

Miroslav Šašek一定沒有想到這些為出書所準備的畫作,經過時間的刻印,變成大家對城市的回憶。記錄了逝去的過往 - 倫敦火車站的報亭、香港的喧嚷市集、帶禮帽搭舊金山纜車的人們......這些你還依稀記得嗎?

Like the other Sasek classics, these are facsimile editions of his original books. The vibrant illustrations have been preserved, remaining true to his vision, and where applicable facts have been updated, appearing on a "This is...Today" page at the back of each book. The charming illustrations, coupled with Sasek’s witty, playful narrative, make for perfect souvenirs that will delight both children and their parents, many of whom will remember them from their own childhood.

This is Britain, first published in 1974, encompasses the nation’s many facets, from the mystery of Stonehenge to the monuments of the British Isles. Among his stops are the White Cliffs of Dover; Brighton’s Prince Regent’s Royal Pavilion; the castles and Tintern Abbey in Wales; and Scotland’s four Royal Palaces and long lochs. This is Israel, first published in 1962, visits the Promised Land, a sun-drenched panorama of many hues and many traditions. From the Sea of Galilee to the Red Sea (it’s really blue); from modern Tel Aviv to Jerusalem new and old; from Mt. Zion to King Solomon’s mines; Sasek presents the biblical glory of its past and the golden hope of its future.




商品尺寸(公分):22.8 x 32.1 x 1.5
