【Albertine繪本沙龍】 Grand Couturier Raphaël



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【Green Tots 繪本沙龍】Albertine 預計10月份露出,敬請期待!

一位提著紅色皮包的女孩注意到Grand Couturier Raphaël百貨公司外斗大的黃色提包廣告吸引, 於是推開玻璃門進去要仔細瞧瞧這個提包...在包包區他找到這個美麗的黃色提包,旁邊的紅皮包搭上黃點也很美耶....

在他正在包包缺欣賞眾多美麗包包時 ,一位店員親切地過來協助...接下來試穿無數的洋裝、搭配無數的帽子、試穿各式各樣的高跟鞋...

突然廣播提醒客人已經下午7點囉! 要快點來結帳以免大排長龍~

猜猜最後女孩離開Grand Couturier Raphaël購買了那些東西?

Albertine巧妙地將Grand Couturier Raphaël裡面美麗的皮包、洋裝、帽飾、鞋子特色亮點以鮮明顏色、誇張席狀將造型呈現給讀者,讓你看清楚他們的真面目。

Green Tots相信如果你選擇閱讀這本繪本,一定會在Grand Couturier Raphaël炫目的裝潢與眾多的選擇中,絕對能夠冷靜購買真正需要的東西!

Here she is, innocently, entering this temple of very chic and very expensive fashion. Caught between the tentacles of a zealous saleswoman, she soon sees a whirlwind of bags, hats, dresses and shoes, each more charming than the next.

An album that takes an amused look at the seduction exerted by fashion and the excess of choice linked to the consumer society; an additional step in Albertine's artistic approach, with her milliner boards competing in elegance and originality.

精裝; 48頁

商品尺寸(公分):23 x 31 



